Insurance agents make all the money, don't work much and have the easiest job... WRONG. This blog will talk about the what it is like for me to be an
insurance consultant. It is one the hardest, most challenging, stressful, as well as most rewarding things I have ever done. There are days when life is grand and others where I feel as if I beat my head against the wall for a living.

One of the hardest things about what I do is I fight the bad reputation that has been set by a few who didn't provide the service which I do. The most important thing to me is that I better your situation. Which doesn't always mean save you money. It could mean that I designed a proper package that protects you and your family. It is more important to me that I educate you on your insurance which gives you the ability to make the decision of what is best for you. Ultimately if my knowledge, care and service makes you happy that makes me happy. I'm not in the business to write a bunch of policies that will cancel soon. I want clients that will be with me for many years to come.
Many people say that an insurance agent never works. I am telling you that it is clearly not that way. A typical day for me is I wake up at 7 am. I let my dogs out as my coffee is brewing. As soon as I get in I fix a cup while watching the news and checking emails. After that I get ready for the day. As soon as I hit the car I start calling and receiving phone calls. The rest of my day is filled with service work, quoting and building proposals. Once it hits 4 pm I start calling again. This goes until about 7:30 pm. That is pretty much the same every day Monday-Thursday. The biggest change is on Friday I get to go home at 4 pm. I carry my cell with me at all times and answer it always. I receive calls at all hours of the day, every day. It is hard to say I am going to work because my work never leaves me. The true way to describe it is that it is not a job because it is clearly a life style.

My biggest pet peeve is the statement that
insurance agents make tons of money. Yes there is potential to make a good living like there is in any job in sales. A mass majority of our worth is tied into our business because we are business owners. For me personally over 80% of my income is invested back into my business. As everyone knows this is a business of renewals and it takes many years to build a stable about of renewals. What most people don't understand is most business owners set a conservative take home salary for themselves which is the last expense paid. If they don't make enough revenue to cover then the business owner takes it out of his salary. Don't get me wrong, there are many people who make a very good living in this business but I guarantee it didn't start out that way.

As I previously stated being an insurance consultant is not a job but a life style. Our whole goal is to make sure when the worst happens to you and your family that it will not ruin your life. The rate at which it costs to do such is completely out of hands in a thing called, "Law of large numbers." All we can do is make sure you understand what you have purchased. This life comes with many days of stress and joy. If I could save everyone money I definitely would but to me it is more important that if you lose your home, you won't be on the street; if you lose your bread winner in the family, you will not starve; and finally if you cause a major wreck, it will not ruin your life financially. As an insurance consultant with Farmers Insurance we are the smartest in the field. In stating that we may not always be the perfect fit but we can always guarantee that you will not regret having your insurance reviewed with a
consultant like myself.